1800 655 949

About Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast

Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast has a comprehensive client list of satisfied clients who all understand that we are versatile rug cleaning professionals who also offer hand grooming and persistent stain removal. With specialty services that include colour bleed prevention and tailor made processes designed for our Persian rug cleaning Sunshine Coast customers together with our specialist rug washing service Brisbane clients trust us to look after their valuable rugs. Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast prides itself on providing a service that complies with the high standards as set down by the Carpet Cleaning Consumer Guide of Australia

Our hand rug washing service (without the restoration process) is ideal for customers who need to have specific attention to problems such as pet stain or odour removal and that is followed by a conditioning pH rinse. With quick drying racks and tailor made processes, clients with Persian/Oriental rug cleaning requirements know that any restoration or rug washing service we offer will leave their rugs in pristine condition. The Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast professional technicians use various processes including jet vacuuming and extraction or Teflon treatment for rug restoration. Our unbeatable rug washing, carpet cleaning and rug restoration system will help protect your rugs and keep them looking their very best.

Call Leanne now on 1800 655 949

"Restoring Rugs across South East Queensland"

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Rug Cleaners Sunshine Coast
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