1800 655 949

Rug Cleaning Services

Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast customers continually trust us to look after their valuable rugs. 

We are the Sunshine Coast rug washing professional cleaners providing high quality rug cleaning to residential, commercial and industrial clients that meets the standards of the Carpet Cleaning Consumer Guide of Australia

Specialty Services – Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast professionals specialise in tailor made processes for Oriental or Persian rug cleaning which require the utmost care and attention. We also expertly groom all rug compositions with the same attention to detail ensuring any colour bleed prevention even for stubborn urine stain removal.

Rug Cleaning – Depending on the rug style, age, condition and material, Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast use a variety of cleaning process including jet vacuuming and extraction or vibration dirt removal to cleanse your rug. As the Sunshine Coast rug washing professionals, if a rug is even slightly fragile, we will utilise a hand washing process where necessary for pet stain or odour removal and follow it with a conditioning pH rinse.

Rug Restoration – Rug Cleaning Sunshine Coast can provide specialised treatments to restore your rug including edge stabilisation and fringe whitening. Additionally, our Persian rug cleaning technicians predominantly include a hand grooming process when necessary for persistent stain removal. When rug restoration is complete your rug will receive a Teflon treatment to retain the restoration of your rug.

Why not make a direct call to me and ask whatever questions you have 1800 655 949 (Leanne)

Rug Cleaners Sunshine Coast
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