Rug Cleaning and Restoration Sunshine Coast
Please understand that having your rugs cleaned regardless of size or composition is not a process for inexperienced operators with little or no machinery. Rugs are easily damaged which is often things like shape failure, implanted bleaching, irreparable colourisation failure, and much more.
Our Complete Rug Washing System
Well-meaning budget carpet cleaners together with the keen DIY folk with no machinery and only hearsay for experience can quickly cause damage to a rug during the cleaning process. It may not be noticeable at first but it will be there so please do not take the gamble with your valuable rugs.
Rug cleaning is not as simple as it may first seem. Each rug is different in the manufacturing process so each rug has a different level of cleaning requirement. We customise our process after evaluating each and every rug we are about to clean.
Our comprehensive rug cleaning service range includes:
- Jet vacuuming which will remove dust, dry dirt and mites
- Machine vibration to shake out ingrained dry dirt in the fibres
- Fibre test and dye-locking process to prevent colour-bleed
- Rug hand washing on the stubborn dirt areas
- Conditioning rinse to neutralise your rug’s pH, and to float out any remaining grit and dust
- Jet extraction to remove any remaining particles that are not part of your rug
- Grooming by hand to properly lift the rug’s pile and also to set the nap to a uniform finish
- Rack hanging and a minimum 2-hour drying session in our specialty drying room
Optional rug cleaning services include:
- Specialised stain removal
- Pet stain removal
- Pet odour removal
- General odour removal
- Any over-locking that may be required to stabilise edges
- Fringe cleaning and/or whitening
- 24-hour water damage restoration process
- Complete rug restoration
- A protection application giving your rugs up to 3 years protection against:
– stains and spills (just blot up) and
– dust and dirt (just shake out)
Confidently place your trust in us to keep rugs looking and feeling their best for years to come
Why not make a direct call to me and ask whatever questions you have 1800 655 949 (Leanne)